VisFoundation is a set of frameworks, tools, systems, and more, designed to create the ultimate development environment for Unreal Engine 4.
VisAI brings a strong framework dedicated to universal, limitless, and easy AI creation
VisGM brings a strong framework dedicated to multiplayer game creation
VisBP brings a variety of systems, features, and more designed to be plug & play, easily customizable, and allow for fast expansion.
With the VisFoundation, you’ll have the right tools from the start.

VisAI is a streamlined Universal AI Creation Framework, a core part of the VisFoundation. It provides a premium environment for developers creating AI in Unreal Engine. You’ll find Abstraction of Complex AI Systems, Comprehensive AI Designs, Universal AI Capabilities, Limit-less creation, and more. The framework is constantly improving; adding new systems, tools, examples, and more for you to use.
The Behaviour Foundation allows you to create truly expansive and complex AI without over-complication or limitations. The AI Toolkit provides you access to advanced, yet easy-to-use systems, tools, and features. The Developer & Community provide active support, helpful feedback, and more.
With VisAI, you’ll have the tools and support you need to create your next AI with ease.
- Framework Setup
- Subsystem Creation
- AI File Creation
- Designing AI
- Creating AI
- Modifying The Framework
- Framework Class Hierarchy

The Behaviour Foundation is an AI design theory created by Ryan that weighs the benefits of GOAP, Utility AI, and Behaviour Tree. It works by combining a natural behaviour structure with a simple but powerful decision making system.
The structure allows you to take full control over how your AI plans (or decides) what to do. You can easily define priorities, dependencies, plan ahead and make other advanced considerations without convoluting your AI logic.With VisAI, creating any AI type is as easy as creating Behaviour, Decision, and Action.
Behaviours are the Structure of an AI, giving you a comprehensive way to plan dynamic AI behaviour.
Decisions are the Thought of the AI, giving you complete control over the way your AI plans its next move.
Actions are the Instructions for the AI, giving you a straightforward way to bring life to your AI.
No mess, less confusion. Modern AI

The AI Toolkit provides a variety of tools, systems, and features for AI development. These are designed to give you easy access to powerful functionality and provide a faster AI workflow. You’ll find the core aspects of the AI Toolkit below;

You can find support on our active Discord channel, or through Email🙂