VisAI 1.3.0 & 1.3.1 | Changelog

Hello everyone! This post is the first of many on the new site where we’ll be posting news, updates, and more about VisAI. We’re still experimenting with what format works best, so thank you for bearing with us while we get it right 🙂
Today we’re bringing you a changelog for the 1.3 update and 1.3.1 hotfix! In future updates, these changelogs will be posted with the update, but for now you’ll see the date of release in the description below. Take a look;

- Sim-Style Woodcutter; was able to run 250 smoothly, definitely more possible with some optimization. I only took simple steps to optimize; will be returning to this in order to provide more insights on AI optimization.
- Subsystem Creator is an Editor Utility Tool that was created to take out all the tedious aspects of setting up a new Subsystem. All you’ll need to do is enter a name, and a naming convention, then hit enter. It does the rest!
- AI Creator is an Editor Utility Tool that will automatically create and assign settings for a new AI template. It uses the template held in “Subsystem/Base/ChildTemplate”. FPS/Companion both have child templates that inherit features from the pack, giving you access to brand new templates in a flash. Customize them to make it your own and save time!
- Lots of new functions
- Damage Tracking system for tracking information when damaged and more.
- Targeting system for handling multiple targets at once, much more.
- Perception: Touch allows AI to receive perception input when they are “touched”, or on hit of their owning mesh.
- Lots of Cleanup
- Streamlined Decision Dispatching | No more creating new events for new B/G/P’s, simply create your decisions and reference them in the “Get Behaviour/Goal/Plan” function in your AI’s Controller.
- New Decision Settings
- Individual Tick Rate for B/G/P
- Individual Toggle for B/G/P decision making
- Actions
- New BTT_Action_Base; preparing for an overhaul of Actions.
- New Modular Example Actions
- Health & Damage System is now it’s own system, VisAI uses a child class customized for the framework.
- Enemies System is now Relationships. Further abstraction to follow.
- Navlink Support for Pathfinding Actions
- Basic Melee Animation
- Ranged Animation & Projectile
- New FPS Example Map
- Animation Blueprint Cleanup
- Behaviour Tree Cleanup
- Updated Child Classes for new Streamlined Decision Structure
- Fixed a bug where AI would stall when health was low.
Pack Released!

- Behaviour Tree Cleanup & Renames
- Command Event Cleanup & Renaming
- Event Replication Reliability is now set to Reliable for all events.
- Streamlined a bit of the Command process. Dispatching is handled within a few functions now ?.
- Lots of other cleanup, renaming, and just generally polishing the pack after some post release feedback.
- Fixed a few unhooked nodes
- A weird bug where the AI wasn’t always going where you to it to go.
- A bug where the Command UI wasn’t getting the correct amount of commands, thus throwing errors when you made anything new.