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VisAI System - Memory

VisAI’s Memory system was designed to give AI the ability to remember information about actors they’ve encountered. You can use it for things like checking the last place you saw an actor, creating new behaviours based on encountered actors, and more. 

The Features

In the Memory System, you’ll find things like Auto Tracking Seen Actors, Tracked Location, and more. Take a look at the list below to learn more about what the system has to offer. 

All Systems

  • Replicated
  • Modular
  • Optimized
  • Easy to Customize & Expand
  • Various Functions & Events to assist you during development

This System

  • Auto Track Seen Actors
  • Location & Time Last Seen
  • Memory Length

System Location: VisAI_Controller

The system provides powerful features that are easy to use. Look through the options available to you and consider how you could use them with your AI. Chances are, you’ll find something that you don’t have to spend time building yourself.

Learn how to modify systems by checking out this page here.

VisAI - Settings
VisAI - Events
VisAI - Functions
VisAI - Macros


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